Natural Gas services


Supply and Risk - We will analyze your annual gas requirements by taking a look at the previous year(s) usage, daily usage and hourly usage for each facility.  We then develop a plan based on your individual consumption and ensure you pay the proper prices at the proper times and avoid unecessary costs.

Market Analysis - We will keep you up to date of all that is going on in the natural gas market to ensure timely puchases and decisions are made when the time is right.

Budget Certainty - We are able to completely centralize all billing for your corporation.  Whether it be gas, electrical, water, taxes, insurance.  Any bill that comes into one or more of your locations can now be checked for accuracy, monitored, corrected if needed and payed from one central location.  You no longer have to pay someone at each location to do this.  We can do all of this for you, at a fraction of the cost.  Late fees are a thing of the past!!!


Electricity Services

Supply and Risk - We will analyze annual power requriements by taking a look at the previous usage for the last two years.  Request bids from multiple suppliers, essentailly making them compete for your business.  You take advantage of this by getting lower rates.

Market Analysis - We keep you informed of everything going on in the electricity markets and offer an objective opinion on what is going on and the likely direction in the near and far future.  We recommend the right product based on your individual usage at the right time for the right price.  Inevitably, saving your money going forward. 

Budget Certainty - We are able to completely centralize all billing for your corporation.  Whether it be gas, electrical, water, taxes, insurance.  Any bill that comes into one or more of your locations can now be checked for accuracy, monitored, corrected if needed and payed from one central location.  You no longer have to pay someone at each location to do this.  We can do all of this for you, at a fraction of the cost.  Late fees are a thing of the past!!!


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